Blog posts tagged "tool"

Why do developers choose not to use your product?

How do developers assess and decide whether or not to stick with your product.

Vaclav Vesely Profile Picture

Václav Veselý

January 25, 2025

Understanding the Distinction: SDK vs. API in Software Development

Explore the essential components and benefits of SDKs in software development. Learn how libraries, APIs, and sample code streamline app creation, enhance integration, and support diverse applications like mobile apps, gaming, and IoT solutions.

Prokop Simek Profile Picture

Prokop Simek

September 14, 2023

Release and publish a new JavaScript SDK version automatically: a step-by-step guide

Automate your JavaScript SDK releases with our guide. Dive into GitHub Actions, npm setup, and streamline your development process.

Prokop Simek Profile Picture

Prokop Simek

July 26, 2023

How we do (not) collect data

To make our product more trustworthy, we decided to tell you how we do (not) collect data and what we do with your code.

Prokop Simek Profile Picture

Prokop Simek

February 20, 2021

Why (not) trust open-source software with data

Everybody can check the code where the data goes. Does that mean that the OSS is more trustable?

Prokop Simek Profile Picture

Prokop Simek

February 20, 2021
tool | DX Heroes