The 5-step process and benefits of a DX Audit

October 5, 2024
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Developer satisfaction and efficiency are paramount to the success of any technology-driven organization. A crucial aspect that often goes under the radar is Developer Experience (DX). This article explores what a Developer Experience audit is, the auditing process, and the myriad of benefits it brings to organizations.

What is a DX Audit?

A Developer Experience audit is a comprehensive evaluation of the whole journey a developer has to go through to integrate a product. This audit focuses on various aspects, including but not limited to usability, documentation, API quality, support, and onboarding processes. The goal is to ensure that developers can efficiently find the resources they need, integrate APIs seamlessly, and receive adequate support, ultimately leading to higher productivity and satisfaction.

The auditing process

Defining a persona

It’s key to get as close to a real world experience as possible, which is why we want to define what a typical consumer (usually a developer) of the product looks like, and what their use-case might be for this particular product. We then keep this in mind while evaluating, and try to look at everything from the perspective of this persona.

Walking the developer journey

The main part of the evaluation is going through the journey to integration as a customer would. You can download the whole journey map for free if you’d like. During this process we gather data about the current state of each stage. Here are the key things we look at for each stage.

1. Discover

This stage is all about being able to find the product when solving the set use-case. Some of the ways we test this are SEO, business website, events, case studies, social media and articles.

2. Evaluate

Checking which resources are available to be able to decide if the product is the correct solution, if it seems easy to use and if it comes at a reasonable price. We mainly look at the developer portal, its value proposition on the home and product pages, but also the GitHub presence and the pricing model.

3. Learn

We analyze if the developer is provided with all the necessary information they need to integrate the product. Part of that is signing up, spinning up a development environment and going through the quick start guide, as well as if the documentation is correctly structured, provides clear code samples and is easy to understand.

4. Build

Going further with the development, the next step is evaluating if there are tools, SDKs or other resources that can be used to easily get production-ready, and also what the support process looks like when something breaks.

5. Scale

The last stage of the journey is all about maintaining and expanding customer trust and providing opportunities to contribute to the product development. This can be done by providing a product roadmap, status page, gathering feedback from current customers, and showing off their success stories.

Compiling a report

At last, we create a report of our findings. We focus on the fields where the organization is lacking in developer experience, explain what the implications of those deficiencies are, and propose potential improvements.

Jirka Šimeček
Jirka Šimeček
Full-Stack Engineer

I am a young, motivated developer with experience in Next.js, TypeScript, and React.js, as well as UI and UX design.

Vaclav Vesely Profile Picture
Václav Veselý

Solution Specialist

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The 5-step process and benefits of a DX Audit | DX Heroes